Keith is a Birmingham born and bred poet, writer and blogger who has lived in the Black Country for the last 32 years and calls himself The Brummie Bard.

He came from Bearwood and went to George Dixon Academy and then Birmingham and Nottingham Universities, and then worked for over 20 years for the city’s former inward investment agency Locate in Birmingham, promoting my home city to international businesses. He also project managed the relocation of the Elmhurst School for Dance from Camberley in Surrey to Edgbaston in Birmingham to become the feeder ballet school for the Birmingham Royal Ballet.

The royalties he collects from his first collection of verse for APS Books are being donated to Bipolar UK, a cause very close to Keith’s heart because in 1978 while still a student at Birmingham University, he was himself diagnosed as bipolar, a hidden disability which has coloured his whole life.


If you want to read more of Keith’s poetry and his blog please go to: