Chris grew up in Devon a long time ago. He went to the University of Liverpool where he stayed until the grants ran out. He became a maths teacher, starting on the Wirral and ending up in Tunbridge Wells. He threw in the towel in 2007 when the idiocies of senior management began to affect his blood pressure. He currently lives on Romney Marsh with his second wife Theresa. He has three grown up girls from his first marriage. Apart from his memoirs he is also the author of the self-published Neil Mackenzie mysteries. These are available on Amazon but they are also available on various other platforms from APS Books as ebooks and (if you can stand an American reading voice) as audiobooks from Apple iBooks.

As to why Chris writes? In his own words:
Writing is a lonely business. I would have given up long ago except for two things: I enjoy it and, much more importantly, because of the encouragement of other people who seem to like what I do. To you all, my heartfelt thanks, especially if you took the time and trouble to write me a review on Amazon. On the other hand, if you didn’t bother then please punch yourself in the face.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: A surprising fact is the disproportionate number of authors who’ve emerged from a small school in South Devon, Teignmouth Grammar School. Four of them are published by APS Books: Barbara Whitton, Chris Grayling, Pete Sears and Andrew Sparke. In addition we publish a discography for another TGS veteran, Phil Beer and his folk band Show Of Hands. Suspect some credit’s due to teachers like Adam O’Riordan and Adrian Davis as well as the central hive of all forms of creative energy that was the TGS Annual Eisteddfod.